There's Always Money in the Banana Stand

$ 15.00

"It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?"

Smells like a chocolate covered banana sprinkled ever so lightly with crushed pecans, though if it smelled like a decades old banana stand burning down for the insurance money, that would have worked too. 


Ingredients: Rice Bran Oil, Jojoba Oil, Fragrance Oil, Essential Oil

The Super Size is a goliath of a bottle - 14.8 ml!

Full sizes come in 7.4 ml bottles (some with a glass wand applicator, but transitioning to polycone caps. I guess the bottle company stopped making glass wands??) featuring the label artwork pictured. 

Samples are in adorable 1.3 ml bottles. 

 Art made using Midjourney

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