New Smell of the Month and a CONTEST! March 31 2016

New smell of the month - La Vie En Bros!

 In 2015, Ten Three Labs contacted me about the Phantasmagoria box for October, based on a haunted house with ghostly residents who didn't get along all that well. Specifically, a woman hating ghost stuck with a woman for all eternity. Well, naturally, he would have preferred to be with one of his bros forever. Thus, the concept for La Vie En Bros was born. 

When the box was released, many of its recipients bemoaned the fact that it was only available in sample form - they wanted MORE. Well, today that wish is fulfilled! 

Enter a contest to win a portrait painted by a yeti!

Jean Claude was a yeti with a dream. A dream of painting. I'd say he achieved that dream, but mostly he's just achieved splattering paint all over things. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a painting of yourself to display proudly in your home! Or maybe you'll bind your soul to it, hide it in the attic, and never age! Lots of options. 

Click HERE to enter the contest!